Friday, April 13, 2007

April 2007

So Maybe you know, maybe you don't. Maybe that's because it you were to busy working on strong tan lines in Florida. Or maybe you couldn't hear through the parka back here in Michigan? Maybe the shift from el Nino to la Nina has affected the magnetic surfaces of the server hard disk storing your email, resulting in a lost email. Or worse yet, maybe the dog ate your email. It always seems to eat mine...

Whatever the reason - it should now be known to all the Christian Ring is coming over the week of 22 April. So of course, a requisite to that visit is a trip to NHB! I'm proposing Wednesday night the 25th - Boot Night of course - for a get together for whom ever can make it.

Make it a priority - support our EU co-workers and come drink whatever you'd like with Christian!



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